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Malaysia Animal Crime Transperancy (MyAct)



Malaysian Animal Crime Transparency – MyAct is a body established by the Malaysia Animal Association that functions as a medium to guide and , educate the animal-loving community for the correct channels regarding the procedure for submitting animal crime reports and animal cruelty. MyAct also plays a role in promoting awareness of the importance of animal welfare. In addition, MyAct works to analyze animal crimes from the point of view of incident factors, perpetrators and victims consisting of types and groups of animals.

Animal Crime Complaint Channel receives a high number of reports every day. Follow the steps below to facilitate your reporting process. MyAct only accepts complaints regarding animal cruelty crimes. The communication medium is in the Malay language. Complete information regarding the crime is highly required.

  • Domestic Animal Crimes

Involves the killing, abuse, cruelty and neglect of pet, stray or alley, livestock & companion animals.

  1. Animal Welfare Act 2015
  2. Animal Act 1953 (Amendment 2013)

  • Wildlife Crimes

Involves illegal hunting, killing, persecution, sale & illegal trafficking of wild animals and endangered species animals.

  1. Wildlife Conservation Act 2010
  2. International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008

  • Misconduct of Veterinary Practitioners

Involves overcharge rates, fraud, malpractice, negligence of responsibility for handling animals during treatment.

  1. Veterinary Doctors Act 1974

  • Pet Food Sales Scam

Involves Brand Counterfeiting, Inaccurate Declaration of Animal Food Products, Fraud in Food and Supplement Products, Unsafe Animal Food or Supplements, and Doubtful Animal Food Labeling

  1. Animal Food Act 2009
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